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Not Getting Quality Leads? Here’s What May Be Going Wrong


By WISE Digital Partners

October 16, 2024

  • 5 min read

Do you ever feel like you’re chasing digital shadows instead of real customers? You’re not alone. Many businesses find themselves frantically trying to capture phantom prospects who were never really there to begin with.

While some prospects are just browsing, others may be slipping through the cracks because your lead-generation process isn’t dialed in.

The good news is you can turn it around by giving your lead game a much-needed tune-up. Here’s how.

Take a Walk in Your Customer’s Digital Shoes

To understand your prospects, you must think like them. Take a fresh look at your website—this time through the eyes of an outside user. As you browse, take note of the following:

  • Loading time: Users are inundated with distractions, which means if your page doesn’t load between zero and two seconds, they’ll move on. If you’re seeing spinning wheels or blank pages, your website may need to be optimized for quicker loading time.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Mobile devices account for more than half of all internet traffic. If navigating your website requires pinching cell phone screens to resize content, frustrated users may be prematurely abandoning their search efforts.
  • Poor navigation: Does your website allow you to find critical information in a click or two? If you’re getting lost in a maze of clicks and pages, chances are your prospective leads are, too.
  • Unclear calls-to-action: Your CTAs should tell users exactly what you want them to do. Whether it’s “Contact Us,” “Get a Quote,” or “Book a Discovery Call,” use language that inspires action and CTA buttons that stand out on every relevant page.

If making these adjustments is beyond your scope of expertise, check out what our proprietary platform, NEST™, can do for you.

Assess Your Content Strategy

We like to think of digital content as a silent salesperson who’s on call 24/7, guiding prospects through the buying journey. But for content to work its magic, it must be targeted, meeting users at every stage of the process.

Here are common content pitfalls and how to avoid them.

  • You’re a people-pleaser: A content strategy designed to please everyone yields unfocused results that please no one. Home in on your target audience by creating targeted content that answers their burning questions.
  • Your value proposition is MIA: Can readers quickly discern what makes you unique—or how your products and services alleviate their problems? Clearly articulate your unique selling points while addressing common pain points.
  • You’ve forgotten that buyers are on a journey: The buyer journey isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Your content must meet users at every stage. If you’re just pushing for the sale, you’ll scare off curious window shoppers. Develop a content map that aligns with each stage of the buyer journey from awareness to purchase.

Want to take your prospects from “Who are you?” to “Where do I sign?” Our content creators spin up focused content that speaks directly to your ideal customers.

Your Lead Management Process is Ineffective

Even with a user-friendly website, great marketing, and enticing content, opportunities may still be slipping away—especially if your lead management strategy is flawed. Common pitfalls include:

  • Not qualifying leads: Are you pouring resources into leads that never convert? Or worse, spending more to acquire customers than they pay back? To avoid this common mistake, create an ideal buyer persona, know who your audience is, and develop a system to evaluate lead quality.
  • Not scoring your leads: In addition to qualifying leads, you must also segment by those most likely to pay off. To do so, use a point system based on demographics, behaviors, and engagement. This will help refocus your efforts.
  • Not following up: Capturing leads and not following up is equivalent to catching fish in your net only for them to swim out of a gaping hole. Establish a follow-up process to nurture leads over time, and whatever you do, follow up, follow up, follow up.
  • Not targeting decision-makers: Are your messages hitting the right people? Typically, high-value purchases should target high-level prospects—folks in the C-suite. Middle-value products and services should hit managers who deal with day-to-day challenges. Tailor your outreach to match the decision-making level of the recipient.

Not sure where to start? Our lead tracking services take the guesswork out of lead management. We'll help you identify where your leads are coming from, whether they are qualified, and how to effectively nurture them through the sales funnel.

WISE Up Your Digital Marketing Strategy

As a marketing agency that's worked with businesses across diverse industries, we know that a finely tuned lead-qualification strategy is just the beginning. Long-term success requires a holistic approach.

If you’re ready to take the next step, book a 60-minute consultation with our CEO, Patrick Dillon. Together, you’ll explore proven approaches that will supercharge your digital marketing strategy.


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