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Patrick Dillion



Matthew Hinkle

Director of Accounts

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Anibal Rojas

Senior Front-End Developer

I'm a front-end developer from Lima, Perú, and I've worked on mobile and web development for diverse projects: banking, entertainment, geolocation, visual search engines, and more. I'm always testing new technologies and currently enjoy working with the React ecosystem.

More Details

  • Bachelor's degree in software engineering
  • 7+ years of coding experience

Why I 💚 WISE

I truly enjoy working alongside the highly capable and diverse team at WISE Digital. Plus, working with client partners across a wide range of industries is a constant learning experience and an incredible growth opportunity. WISE has a great organization and team structure that makes it all possible.

Build. Grow. Soar.

Get WISE about digital marketing with advanced services, industry experts, and cutting-edge tools designed for long-term, sustainable growth.